United States: Ground-based solar installed capacity reaches more than 100GW

Jul 19, 2024

Recently, the American Clean Energy Association (ACP) released the "2024 First Quarter Clean Energy Quarterly Market Report", which shows that the total installed capacity of utility-scale solar, wind and energy storage industries in the United States in the first quarter reached 5.585GW, a year-on-year increase of 28%.

Among them, the new solar installed capacity reached 4.557GW, making the cumulative installed capacity of ground solar in the United States exceed 100GW for the first time, reaching 100.547GW. ACP said that it took 18 years for the United States to reach the first 50GW of ground solar installed capacity, and only 4 years for the second 50GW.

The report also shows that the scale of clean energy reserves in the United States has expanded to nearly 175GW, reaching the highest level on record, thanks to the expansion of battery energy storage and solar energy industries, with average quarterly growth rates of 11% and 4% respectively since the second quarter of 2022.



